Quality Assurance in New Build Properties: | S Jones Surveying

Unveiling Construction Flaws: Understanding Building Defects.

Buying a new build property comes with its own set of challenges, requiring careful negotiation and attention to detail.

The emergence of a troubling pattern characterised by inadequate quality control practices is becoming increasingly apparent within the new build property sector. This issue is particularly concerning given its pervasiveness even among segments labelled as ‘luxury’ within major housing development projects. This raises questions about the integrity of construction standards and the prioritisation of profit margins over the delivery of high-quality residences.

It stresses the importance for buyers to acquire professional, independent evaluation and counsel before sealing the deal on their new home purchase, typically through the implementation of a detailed Schedule of Outstanding Defects or ‘snagging list’.

It entails a surveyor making a comprehensive examination of the property to uncover any ‘snags,’ minor discrepancies left over from the construction phase requiring correction. These may comprise issues such as minor leaks in taps or doors that do not fit perfectly within their frames, all of which are inherent to the process of erecting new structures.

As buildings undergo the natural settling process following construction completion, there is a possibility of some deterioration occurring. This may manifest in doors beginning to catch, windows sticking when opened or closed, and skirting boards gradually coming away from walls due to slight deflection during settlement.

These repairs are simple and can be rectified without much difficulty. Furthermore, once the building has fully settled onto its foundations, recurrence of these issues is unlikely. However, recent media reports have drawn attention to the expanding length of snagging lists for some newly constructed properties.

It is worth emphasizing that property transactions fall entirely outside the purview of the Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994. Consequently, buyers cannot seek refunds for property purchases due to any perceived faults or issues.

To simplify, if you purchase a defective microwave or television, returning it to the store with your proof of purchase entitles you to a full refund. However, this consumer protection does not extend to property purchases. Once you have acquired a property, it is a permanent commitment – there is no reversing the transaction.

Despite this, new build homes often benefit from comprehensive warranties. Chances are, your new property is enrolled in Buildmark, an insurance scheme administered by the National House Building Council (NHBC). This means that resolving any snags should be a hassle-free endeavour.

Nonetheless, it is vital to adopt preventive measures to shield yourself from acquiring a property with defects and the ensuing difficulties in achieving a satisfactory resolution.

S Jones Surveying suggests prioritising a snagging list for new build properties instead of relying solely on a Homebuyer report or a Building Survey. While these conventional reports have their merits, they may not adequately address the unique challenges often encountered in newly constructed homes, making a snagging list a more comprehensive choice.

It is also essential to bear in mind that the new build warranty does not offer consistent comprehensive coverage throughout the entire 10-year period. Usually, these warranties entail comprehensive developer liability for repairs during the initial two years, after which they transition to an insurance policy that covers structural defects exclusively.

Acknowledging that some unseen defects may become apparent over time, it is advisable to arrange for a snagging inspection to be completed prior to the conclusion of the initial two-year warranty period.

Having a professionally conducted report can be invaluable in your dealings with a developer, ensuring that your concerns are taken seriously and addressed promptly. Whether you are in the process of purchasing a new build property or nearing the end of your two-year warranty for an existing property, our snagging inspection services are at your disposal. We will compile a detailed list of issues, providing you with the leverage needed to hold your developer accountable for necessary remediation.
